Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Family Trip to Anderson Farms

This year we decided to take a trip to Anderson Farms for a fun day together. We looked at all the animals they have, including the little bunny town. Every year they have miles and miles of corn maze to go through and every year they change the design. The first time we came, we could only get through 1/3 of the maze. This year we made it through 3/4 of the maze. We had such fun and we set a goal to complete the entire maze next year!!!

K.J. and Rhiannon ready to have some fun!!

#37 We Love You!!!

2008 Steeler Football

We Love Football Season! This was K.J.'s last year in Little League Football. We are really proud of him. Every Year he improves his skills as a lineman and this year he even got to carry the football. On Saturday we played our Johnstown rivals. He played great on the line and he even carried the ball for a 6 yard gain!! We love to watch him succeed at something he loves! Way to go #37!!!
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